Tag: Prof Alistair Fee
Can you Teach Entrepreneurship?

Can you teach entrepreneurship?
The question "Can you teach entrepreneurship?" has received much attention over the last decade.
People who teach entrepreneurship have an important job to do. However, much like the relationship between a 'product' and its life sustaining 'market', more consideration needs to be given to how people learn/engage with this subject.
For me, academia stills over-emphases traditional didactic pedagogy. Insufficient thought is being applied to how learners learn and how entrepreneurial minds think. Read More
Film treasures all entrepreneurs should find

Film treasures all entrepreneurs should find
By accident, I recently discovered a powerful and uplifting film about global social entrepreneurship. Concerned I'd never heard about this brilliantly-made & influential production (See 1. Who Cares?), I decided to search the web to uncover other film treasures all entrepreneurs should find. What I found may stagger you... Read More