Tag: Speed of Trust
Making a meal out of dishonest business

The horsemeat scandal and making a meal out of dishonest business
Supermarket 'thoroughbred' 'Tesco' was guilty of making a meal out of dishonest business during the horsemeat scandal.
Matters lurched south in Jan 2013 when the company took out national ads apologising for its home-brand burger containing a reported 30% horsemeat. Then the public had to stomach the notion that consuming a 'Spaghetti Western' didn't necessarily involve watching horses on the telly. And when Tesco thought the PR couldn't worsen, well it did... Read More
Trust Builds Business

Trust builds business but how do you build trust?
Building trust in business is everything, but how do you do it?
Here's a starting point.
Can you recall a moment where someone you didn't know well demonstrated real trust - in a risk situation? What happened next?
In little time strong bonds may have developed, sometimes at surprising speed. And the relationship changes for the better.
The same is possible in the workplace, although the 'risk' catalyst is less commonplace (hence the need for Outward Bound courses). Read More