Tag: Tim Harford
The Importance of Uncertainty

The importance of uncertainty cannot be under-estimated when preparing people for work
Setting out for Loughborough University (to guest speak at their entrepreneur's 'ThinkBig' awards) I was reminded of the insight and wisdom of Patrick Awuah.
Earlier in June of that year I had listened to him talk about the importance of uncertainty at the GBSN conference in Tunisia... Read More
Recommended Reading for Ambitious Innovators

Recommended reading for ambitious innovators
Reading should never be a guilty pleasure. But it can get that way if work pressures really grip and/or family demands mean those precious grains of free time are lost before sleep... Read More
Value your Entrepreneurial Journey

Fear, inertia and ignorance fail us. Start now and value the journey.
If you want to make anything happen in life, you have to start an entrepreneurial journey. But be aware, "Entrepreneurship often happens when people are on their way to something else..." . Read More