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Why is the Most Important Entrepreneurial Skill Seldom Taught?

Understanding why the most important entrepreneurial skill is seldom taught
Globally, little evidence exists that business start-up and survival rates are improving. Data released by Experian (November 2011) showed 70% of start-up businesses fail within 36 months of starting. So it's a mystery why the most important entrepreneurial skill is seldom taught.
If entrepreneurs are to survive & thrive we need to provide the right training... Read More
Going faster by slowing down

Going faster by slowing down is a important way think
In my earliest hitchhiking days, any stopping vehicle was an opportunity to travel. The excitement of the moment put me in the car. Going faster by slowing down was a concept outside my impatient grasp... Read More
It is your business to make it happen

Don't wait! It is your business to make it happen
Escaping the clutches of suburban Northampton by hitchhiking to west London might not be everyone's idea of fun on a late Friday afternoon, but I was really up for it... Read More
Game on for back bedroom passion
Reading anything by Bill Bryson makes me smile and laugh out loud.
As a young man, Mr Bryson discovered the joys of hitchhiking. Driven by a thirst for adventure he spent two summers travelling around Europe with the aid of his thumb. He didn't know it at the time, but the accumulated experience when combined with his journalistic skills (acquired later) would make him a best-selling author (and a mint)... Read More
Present to Influence the Audience

How do you present to influence the audience?
Stood by the roadside thumbing lifts was an empowering experience. Drivers who stopped validated what I was doing and thus hitchhiking became meaningful, worthwhile and rewarding.
Whilst it wasn't rocket science, I always thought carefully in advance about my appearance as well as how and where I stood. And I looked at the driver as the vehicle approached. By thinking about how I should present to influence the audience, I was doing my best to sell the idea of being offered a lift... Read More
Value your Entrepreneurial Journey

Fear, inertia and ignorance fail us. Start now and value the journey.
If you want to make anything happen in life, you have to start an entrepreneurial journey. But be aware, "Entrepreneurship often happens when people are on their way to something else..." . Read More
When not to listen to business advice

Decide when not to listen to business advice...
Tell others that you want to go it alone and don't be surprised when more people than you thought advise against such action. So how do you know when not to listen to business advice? Read More
Trust Builds Business

Trust builds business but how do you build trust?
Building trust in business is everything, but how do you do it?
Here's a starting point.
Can you recall a moment where someone you didn't know well demonstrated real trust - in a risk situation? What happened next?
In little time strong bonds may have developed, sometimes at surprising speed. And the relationship changes for the better.
The same is possible in the workplace, although the 'risk' catalyst is less commonplace (hence the need for Outward Bound courses). Read More