Successes & failures: Invaluable lessons from entrepreneurs
Examples, case studies and real-life stories about entrepreneurs and their working lives. Learn from the success and failure of others to save you money and time and ultimately help you succeed.
Monster Entrepreneur: But is Trump Passing Wind?

President Trump, the monster entrepreneur with a single-minded approach to presidential power, gets his biggest test on November 6th 2018... Read More
Entrepreneurial Stamina Izzard Style

Do you have the entrepreneurial stamina to make your new venture financially sustainable?
Do you have the entrepreneurial stamina to turn that new venture into a successful and thriving organisation? Read More
Biggest Challenge Facing Entrepreneurs

What is the biggest challenge facing entrepreneurs today? Is it access to finance? Is it knowing the right people? Is it having the right skills? All of the above gets the grey matter working, but for me the biggest challenge facing entrepreneurs is something different. It is… Read More
Teach & Defeat Deafening Silence

Being able to defeat deafening silence is a behaviour most entrepreneurs must demonstrate
Teaching budding entrepreneurs about finance, marketing and business plans etc. is commonplace.
But why is it so many courses forget to include a fundamental issue virtually all start-ups face? Read More
Have You Been Mis-sold Christmas?

Calls you don't want
Hold onto to your festive hats folks.
It's emerging billions of people worldwide may have been mis-sold Christmas.
You may be affected.
Mis-sold Christmas - what, more porky pies?
Stories about flying reindeer, sacks of presents disappearing down chimneys and a white-bearded jolly soul riding a sky-high sleigh, may, just may, contain a whiff of untruth... Read More
My Biggest Fear: Time to Confess and Confront

Fears: confess and confront
Last month's post was published days before I completed my first marathon. For me, the run was three hours of joy followed by 96 minutes of unrelenting pain. Finishing provoked elation, tears and disbelief... Read More
Detecting Meaningful Success

Image courtesy of ITV
In fewer than 7 days I embark on another uncertain journey in search of meaningful success. But, unlike my current solo visit to Colombia, I am questioning my ability to complete the 'trip' and know 'pain' will be a regular companion... Read More
Brainpower Waste

Waste: a subject loved by lateral-minded, innovative entrepreneurs
THERE is nothing I want more than for good minds to go to waste.
I joke not. Brilliant young brains in all aspects of education – especially budding entrepreneurs who could and should be applying themselves to turning brainpower waste into lolly... Read More
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