Tag: Startup Survival Podcast

Enterprising Academics: Alternative Guide to Publishing

Enterprising academics keen for their research to be recognised and shared can take advantage of alternative platforms and media channels. This post looks at podcasts and blogs. If creating and/or appearing in podcasts, blogs and the media appeals, what practices and principles should you adopt, without risking reputation?… Read More

Startup Survival Podcast Series 3: Strength of Feeling

Tune into Entrepreneurship Emotion Entrepreneurship emotion is at the very heart of Series 3 of the Startup Survival Podcast. Entitled ‘Strength of Feeling’ and involving special guests from all over the world, this latest series examines the subject of entrepreneurship emotion from various perspectives. By listening you’ll learn… Read More

Startup Podcast Series 2: Get Better, Go Further

Learn business lessons from the experts Welcome to Series 2 of this Startup Podcast series. This second series hosted by Peter Harrington, explores key issues fitting within the theme of ‘Get Better, Go Further’. Learn business lessons from experts, receive top tips and discover invaluable information sources. Read More

Empathetic Patient Selling

Empathetic, patient selling is the way startups should engage customers and prospects during the C19 crisis. In times of uncertainty, people are typically not looking for deals, discounts and best buys. Instead, they are looking for support, help and reassurance. But why is it so important to understand empathetic… Read More

Startup Podcast Journey Update

Latest Update: First 3 Episodes Published When this Survival Startup podcast journey began, I felt like Derek Sivers’ shirtless dancing guy. I was on my own and prepared to lead. But would anyone follow? If you’re not familiar with Derek’s solo dancer, treat yourself to 3+ minutes of presentation brilliance… Read More