Great teaching: Entrepreneurship, enterprise & business
Discover how pioneering teachers and trainers approach the subjects of entrepreneurship, enterprise and business
Game-changing Business Simulation

SimVenture Evolution. Latest on-line Business Simulation
Whilst the team is yet to see the blood, much sweat and the occasional tear has been shed whilst building what we believe is a game-changing business simulation... Read More
Can you Teach Entrepreneurship?

Can you teach entrepreneurship?
The question "Can you teach entrepreneurship?" has received much attention over the last decade.
People who teach entrepreneurship have an important job to do. However, much like the relationship between a 'product' and its life sustaining 'market', more consideration needs to be given to how people learn/engage with this subject.
For me, academia stills over-emphases traditional didactic pedagogy. Insufficient thought is being applied to how learners learn and how entrepreneurial minds think. Read More
The listening skill pill win £500! (competition now closed)

Who needs the listening skill pill?
It intrigues me that I've never found a course focusing on effective listening. Whilst we know listening is one of the most important skills to acquire, many of us also recognise our inability to listen well... Read More
Why use Business Simulations?

Why use business simulations?
Countless reports have been published (including this by Lord Young) stating good entrepreneurship education requires experiential, hands-on learning. So you might think it would be easy to answer the question: Why use business simulations?
Engaging learners so they make decisions, deal with risk and consequences as well as solve problems creates a rich and dynamic environment. It certainly improves on the 'expert' providing a passive audience with a sleeping pill of a lecture... Read More
Film treasures all entrepreneurs should find

Film treasures all entrepreneurs should find
By accident, I recently discovered a powerful and uplifting film about global social entrepreneurship. Concerned I'd never heard about this brilliantly-made & influential production (See 1. Who Cares?), I decided to search the web to uncover other film treasures all entrepreneurs should find. What I found may stagger you... Read More
Educational Entrepreneur Making a Difference

Asfaw Yemiru: The educational entrepreneur making a difference
Delight can turn to frustration when an excellent new recruit, who is just settling into the post, decides to accept a job offer elsewhere. But occasionally, you know they’ve made the right decision... Read More
Pioneering Outdoor Entrepreneur

Within the mind of the pioneering outdoor entrepreneur
"A torch?
"No, you don't need one.
"The night is not dark!"
Frank Dawson, the 'pioneering outdoor entrepreneur' and head of centre, spoke with calm assertion to 10 newly acquainted teenagers.
Being 10pm, the group was visibly alarmed. None had anticipated that their sensible request for light (ahead of their night walk through an ancient Cumbrian wood) might be refused... Read More
Leading the Entrepreneurial Way

Is the US leading the entrepreneurial way?
As storms brewed over southern England this October I boarded a Virgin Airbus & headed to the US. My destination was Kansas City and the GCEC Conference.
Crossing the Atlantic I was keen to test out Mr Branson's latest in-seat multi-media technology. The hours passed quickly as I laughed at The Internship and cried with the Guilt Trip. As alcohol and altitude fuelled the emotions I got into the US spirit... Read More