Going faster by slowing down

Going faster by slowing down is a important way think In my earliest hitchhiking days, any stopping vehicle was an opportunity to travel. The excitement of the moment put me in the car. Going faster by slowing down was a concept outside my impatient grasp... Read More

Men Behaving Badly*

A surprise meeting with Martin Clunes (he of Men Behaving Badly) at a 'Dodgy' Concert in the intimate 'Bush Hall' in London provided the light-bulb moment for this article... Read More

Teenage Love Fires Entrepreneurial Spirit

Teenage love fires entrepreneurial spirit To describe one of my first loves as a 'big bag' might be a little misleading, but it is quite true. Like any other 16 year-old, relationships were important to me. I wasn't necessarily looking for love. But back then I had no idea how or why teenage love fires entrepreneurial spirit. Fast-forward. Thirty years later, I get goosebumps. And the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end when I think of how we first met. It was like this... Read More

Take students to the darkside

Take students to the darkside to make learning meaningful & relevant Pink Floyd's chart breaking 1973 album 'Dark Side of the Moon' brought a legendary band together in a highly creative and entrepreneurial manner. The music was rich and expressive and importantly tangential to the popular but increasingly bland 'Glam rock'. Charting for over 740 weeks, 'Dark Side of the Moon' opened the door to world fame and fortune for 4 young men... Read More

Game on for back bedroom passion

Reading anything by Bill Bryson makes me smile and laugh out loud. As a young man, Mr Bryson discovered the joys of hitchhiking. Driven by a thirst for adventure he spent two summers travelling around Europe with the aid of his thumb. He didn't know it at the time, but the accumulated experience when combined with his journalistic skills (acquired later) would make him a best-selling author (and a mint)... Read More