Embedding Negotiation Skills

Embedding negotiation skills, so people understand how to apply learning, is best achieved through a combination of theory and repeated practice.
Principles underpinning good negotiation have not changed much over time. But, whilst people may remember what they have read and been told to do, they are typically less aware of their own behaviour and how it impacts the 'ot Read More
University Pressure Cooker

For 12 years, and as part of my role at VSL, I've been talking with and meeting academics. In total, I've phoned, 'Skyped', 'Hungout' with and/or met at least 10 different people each week for 47 weeks of every year.
When you do the maths, that's over 5,500 conversations.
So what's been learnt? Read More
Origins of Human Creativity Revealed

Discover the origins of human creativity Getting to the origins of human creativity is complicated, but earlier this month I gained some fascinating insights when attending another RSA packed-house presentation in London. This event was delivered by David Eagleman (aka Rockstar of Neuroscience) and his… Read More
Bedroom Business becomes Big Business

Steve Jobs launched Apple from a garage. Mark Zuckerberg’s entrepreneurial journey with Facebook began in a university dormitory. Over 500,000 new UK firms are created each year and many start life as a bedroom business. Given the financial pressures faced by young people, is it any… Read More
Teach & Defeat Deafening Silence

Being able to defeat deafening silence is a behaviour most entrepreneurs must demonstrate
Teaching budding entrepreneurs about finance, marketing and business plans etc. is commonplace.
But why is it so many courses forget to include a fundamental issue virtually all start-ups face? Read More
Flipping Classrooms with Romano Zavaroni

Following graduation in 1989 I rented a tiny, cell-like office in York for £17 a month. My entrepreneurial career had started. But getting to that point (and years later being able to create and grow a company on a global stage) was the result of one man's inspiration and devotion to flipping classrooms. Read More
Have You Been Mis-sold Christmas?

Calls you don't want
Hold onto to your festive hats folks.
It's emerging billions of people worldwide may have been mis-sold Christmas.
You may be affected.
Mis-sold Christmas - what, more porky pies?
Stories about flying reindeer, sacks of presents disappearing down chimneys and a white-bearded jolly soul riding a sky-high sleigh, may, just may, contain a whiff of untruth... Read More
My Biggest Fear: Time to Confess and Confront

Fears: confess and confront
Last month's post was published days before I completed my first marathon. For me, the run was three hours of joy followed by 96 minutes of unrelenting pain. Finishing provoked elation, tears and disbelief... Read More
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